Tel: 07790 483433


Welcome to HEMI Hearts

A Support group for children & families living with hemiplegia.

Violet and Bethany at summer fair

HEMI Hearts is a voluntary community group, founded and operated by parents. Established to provide a support group for children and families living with hemiplegia.

We provide a monthly after school therapeutic play group, including access to specialist health professionals and giving families a chance to get together for a chat. We offer friendship, an ear to listen, a shoulder to lean on and a smile to celebrate achievements.

HEMI Hearts was set up 2011 following a donation from a parents employer. Our voluntary committee who met at the Ronnie MacKeith Centre and Derby Children's Hospital following diagnosis of their child, have since developed what is now our monthly support and therapy group.

Group play

As parents of children with hemiplegia we understand that some of the best support we have received is from families experiencing similar difficulties, emotions and celebrating success.

We fund raise throughout the year to subsidise our monthly groups, provide resources for therapy and play and fund family events.

Please visit the different areas of our website to find out more about when and where the monthly groups are held, our family events and how you can become involved with HEMIHearts.

Where are our meetings?

Use the map below to zoom in and find out where we hold our monthly meetings:

To get directions enter your postcode below:


Leon Taylor (Patron)

Leon Taylor was a goalkeeper with the England Cerebral Palsy Football Team from 2003-2011 and competed in international tournaments across Europe and the rest of the world ...

Leon's Biography

Start Your Enquiry

Fill out the details below to start your enquiry:

hemi help charity

We are a local regional group, but we do also work closely with the national charity Hemi Help, you may find a visit to their website useful for more information on living with Hemiplegia.

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UK Based Cloud Computing Services.